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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Shopping for medical cards!

Health insurance a.k.a medical card is an extreme necessity that most of us don't realise until we experience the pain ourselves. My brother was admitted to one of the private medical centre here. And since it was an emergency admission, we just used credit card to swipe in for the deposit. After all, how much could it cost, we thought. The next day, the specialist came to inform that we needed to top up our deposit as it had crossed 7K. Just 2 days and it had crossed 7K!!!

And even though my brother had a medical card covered by his work place, the limit was up to 12K only. So, we are most likely to foot the total bill that would probably hit the 20-25K mark.And that's a LOT of money!

So, my first priority now would be to ensure that my entire family is adequately insured. I have to hold back on my investment plans for the time being.What else can be more important than the welfare and well-being of your family? And that reminds me..I've to get a card for my wife as well. Earlier, when I got a medical card for my son, I did not take for her because her work place provided her with one.

So for all you guys out there, do not delay in insuring yourselves and your family. Yes, more expenses incurred, but it gives you a peace of mind.

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