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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Good Investments in Times of Uncertainty

Everywhere I turned to the whole of last month there was talk of the Malaysian Government's additional units of Amanah Saham Wawasan and Amanah Saham Malaysia being launched (unit trust).

In these times of uncertain economic conditions, good investments have been a little hard to come by. The Government, in an attempt to raise funds for various projects came up with a variety of financial instruments and in return to its people, a reasonable rate of returns. Anyway, the current FD rate still stands at a measly 2%.Another benefit of this special unit trust schemes are that they are capital protected. So, if you invest 10K now, you will definitely have a minimum of 10K when you decide to withdraw your investments. And in the past few years, the trend shows that they are giving out 7%-8% of interest.

Most of the allocated units were snapped up during the first day of its launch. Luckily or not, since the government has set a quota based on race (yeah, it stinks to read this, I agree!!!) only the allocation for the Chinese were completely sold out. For the Malays and Indians, it took a bit longer to convince them to invest. Maybe the Chinese community has been better exposed to financial education all along, so they quickly grab the opportunities that come their way.

Considering all these factors, who wouldn't want to invest in an attractive investment vehicles such as this?

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